It wasn't that tiring because it was less humid, but the fact that I haven't ran for quite sometime, made me quite exhausted, especially with the pace that Ricci and I were having. I think it is worthy to note that it was Ricci's first 5k run, but he sure can run thanks to his football (soccer) experience. We were trying to go under 25 min in the 5k. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to keep up with the pace, especially with the Mc Kinley Hill route, there was no way I will be able to go under 25. But Ricci did.
It was also an exciting run because it was the first time that I ran with the timing chip on my shoes, it was a great experience knowing that I won't have to squeeze my body to the front lines in order to get a decent start.
The results were more exciting when I found it, it was really comprehensive and quite helpful too in setting your targets.
Here is my race summary:

Even breathtaking were the race photos courtesy of photovendo.ph

Overall, the Kenny's Urbanite Run experience was worth the experience.
It was also an exciting run because it was the first time that I ran with the timing chip on my shoes, it was a great experience knowing that I won't have to squeeze my body to the front lines in order to get a decent start.
The results were more exciting when I found it, it was really comprehensive and quite helpful too in setting your targets.
Here is my race summary: